.... derrepente el rededor se vuelve presente, como si todo el tiempo hubiese caminado como un zombie... De a golpe despierto del letargo... El momento es aqui y ahora, esta es mi vida... Llena de cuestionamientos, de pequeños detalles, de miles de emociones y pensamientos.
Mi garganta se cierra, un galope de emociones tengo en el pecho, mis manos tiemblan, siento que no me puedo contener, mis sienes palpitan, mi mente va a mil por hora, tengo que parar a respirar en cada coma ... Quiero llorar pero no se si es tristeza o gozo... Solo se que estoy aqui y estoy viva!!!
Burning masks
ResponderEliminarI look around to the crowd of masks
I hold mine to my face and wonder
Wonder why I am wearing it
And as I look again it cracks
The mask crumbles in my hand
Then I proceed to crush it
My foot disolves my sin
My lies die along with it
My voice raises to the heavens
The army of masks looks my way
I salute them with middle fingers
And a crecendo of fakery reaches me
My ears echo with the lies I´ve told
I said what was proper, what was expected
Well now I say what I want to, where I want to
The army of masks can shove their fake words
Their complaints fall of deaf ears
Their masks are met with my precious spit
I walk through the army not loosing a step
I walk out the room as I change
The clothes of society left behind
Replaced by the clothes of my soul
My hair goes from clean cut to wild
I go from shakled to free forever
I turn around and salute them once again
I take an zealous and curtious bow
And I turn around walking out forever
Leaving the mask behind me to be forgotten
Then I turn around once again,
A bottle of everclear in my hand
I throw it in the room watching it break
I light a smoke and throw the match down
The room lights ablaze viciously
The masks, the army, all burns to ash
I watch the celebration of my freedom
As I avenge what was done to me
I smile an absolutely true smile, the one I had never smiled
As I attone for my sins, as I erase my fake past
The carnival of flames reaches its peak with a bang
As I watch burning masks and revel in their true scream